❯ lldb -- river -c "flatpak run net.davidotek.pupgui2" (lldb) target create "river" Current executable set to '/usr/bin/river' (x86_64). (lldb) settings set -- target.run-args "-c" "flatpak run net.davidotek.pupgui2" (lldb) run Process 25444 launched: '/usr/bin/river' (x86_64) info: river version 0.3.8-dev, initializing server info(wlroots): [backend/wayland/backend.c:581] Creating wayland backend info(wlroots): [util/env.c:25] Loading WLR_RENDERER option: vulkan info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/renderer.c:2482] The vulkan renderer is only experimental and not expected to be ready for daily use info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/renderer.c:2484] Run with VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS=VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation to enable the validation layer info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/vulkan.c:253] Vulkan device: 'AMD Radeon RX 5700 (RADV NAVI10)' info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/vulkan.c:254] Device type: 'discrete' info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/vulkan.c:255] Supported API version: 1.4.305 info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/vulkan.c:256] Driver version: 25.0.0 info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/vulkan.c:344] Driver name: radv (Mesa 25.0.0) info(wlroots): [render/vulkan/vulkan.c:359] Found matching Vulkan physical device: AMD Radeon RX 5700 (RADV NAVI10) info: raised file descriptor limit of the river process to 4096 info(wlroots): [wayland] unable to lock lockfile /run/user/1000/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running info(wlroots): [backend/wayland/backend.c:442] Starting Wayland backend info(wlroots): [xwayland/server.c:107] Starting Xwayland on :1 Process 25444 stopped and restarted: thread 1 received signal: SIGCHLD info: running init executable 'flatpak run net.davidotek.pupgui2' info: running server The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86RefreshRateToggle > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86Accessibility > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86DoNotDisturb Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping. > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255. > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86RefreshRateToggle > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86Accessibility > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86DoNotDisturb Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server ProtonUp-Qt 2.11.1 by DavidoTek. Build Info: DavidoTek Flathub build. Python 3.12.9 (main, Nov 10 2011, 15:00:00) [GCC 14.2.0], PySide Platform: KDE Flatpak runtime 6.8 Linux-6.13.6-gentoo-x86_64-with-glibc2.40 thread 25444 panic: reached unreachable code /usr/lib/zig/0.14.0/lib/std/debug.zig:522:14: 0x5555555bdeb6 in _wrapper (river) if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure ^ ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dc8e8e in wl_global_is_visible (../wayland-1.23.1/src/wayland-server.c) ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dca9a1 in display_get_registry (../wayland-1.23.1/src/wayland-server.c) /usr/src/debug/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/libffi-3.4.7-abi_x86_64.amd64/usr/src/debug/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/libffi-3.4.7/src/x86/unix64.S:104:0: 0x7ffff7add051 in ??? (/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/work/libffi-3.4.7/src/x86/unix64.S) /usr/src/debug/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/libffi-3.4.7/src/x86/ffi64.c:676:3: 0x7ffff7adb85e in ffi_call_int (/usr/src/debug/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/libffi-3.4.7/src/x86/ffi64.c) ffi_call_unix64 (stack, cif->bytes + sizeof (struct register_args), ^ /usr/src/debug/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/libffi-3.4.7/src/x86/ffi64.c:713:3: 0x7ffff7adb3d9 in ffi_call (/usr/src/debug/dev-libs/libffi-3.4.7/libffi-3.4.7/src/x86/ffi64.c) ffi_call_int (cif, fn, rvalue, avalue, NULL); ^ ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dcfcd2 in wl_closure_invoke (../wayland-1.23.1/src/connection.c) ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dc7c7c in wl_client_connection_data (../wayland-1.23.1/src/wayland-server.c) ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dcbbc6 in wl_event_source_fd_dispatch (../wayland-1.23.1/src/event-loop.c) ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dcd1f1 in wl_event_loop_dispatch (../wayland-1.23.1/src/event-loop.c) ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dc91c7 in wl_display_run (../wayland-1.23.1/src/wayland-server.c) /usr/src/debug/gui-wm/river-0.3.8/river-0.3.8/river/main.zig:139:25: 0x5555555b521d in main (river) server.wl_server.run(); ^ /usr/lib/zig/0.14.0/lib/std/start.zig:656:37: 0x5555555b16b8 in main (river) const result = root.main() catch |err| { ^ ???:?:?: 0x7ffff7eabeb6 in ??? (ld-musl-x86_64.so.1) Unwind information for `ld-musl-x86_64.so.1:0x7ffff7eabeb6` was not available, trace may be incomplete Process 25444 stopped * thread #1, name = 'river', stop reason = signal SIGABRT frame #0: 0x00007ffff7f07442 libc.so`raise + 130 libc.so`raise: -> 0x7ffff7f07442 <+130>: movq %fs:0x28, %rax 0x7ffff7f0744b <+139>: cmpq 0x88(%rsp), %rax 0x7ffff7f07453 <+147>: jne 0x7ffff7f07460 ; <+160> 0x7ffff7f07455 <+149>: movl %ebx, %eax (lldb) bt * thread #1, name = 'river', stop reason = signal SIGABRT * frame #0: 0x00007ffff7f07442 libc.so`raise + 130 frame #1: 0x00007ffff7eacd5e libc.so`abort + 14 frame #2: 0x00005555555f87f9 river`posix.abort at posix.zig:710:29 frame #3: 0x00005555555f7f08 river`debug.defaultPanic(first_trace_addr=) at debug.zig:0 frame #4: 0x00005555555f8859 river`debug.FullPanic((function 'defaultPanic')).reachedUnreachable at debug.zig:63:17 frame #5: 0x00005555555bdeb7 river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper [inlined] debug.assert(ok=) at debug.zig:522:14 frame #6: 0x00005555555bdeb2 river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper [inlined] Server.globalFilter(client=, global=0x00007ffff381af00, server=0x00005555556146a8) at Server.zig:286:15 frame #7: 0x00005555555bdeb2 river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper(_client=, _global=0x00007ffff381af00, _data=0x00005555556146a8) at wayland.zig:3599:42 frame #8: 0x00007ffff7dc8e8f libwayland-server.so.0`wl_global_is_visible(client=0x00007ffff38e4700, global=0x00007ffff381af00) at wayland-server.c:988:3 frame #9: 0x00007ffff7dca9a2 libwayland-server.so.0`display_get_registry(client=0x00007ffff38e4700, resource=0x00007ffff3f54b00, id=2) at wayland-server.c:1082:7 frame #10: 0x00007ffff7add052 libffi.so.8`ffi_call_unix64 at unix64.S:104 frame #11: 0x00007ffff7adb85f libffi.so.8`ffi_call_int(cif=0x00007fffffffd470, fn=(libwayland-server.so.0`display_get_registry at wayland-server.c:1062), rvalue=0x0000000000000000, avalue=0x00007fffffffd4a0, closure=0x0000000000000000) at ffi64.c:676:3 frame #12: 0x00007ffff7adb3da libffi.so.8`ffi_call(cif=0x00007fffffffd470, fn=(libwayland-server.so.0`display_get_registry at wayland-server.c:1062), rvalue=0x0000000000000000, avalue=0x00007fffffffd4a0) at ffi64.c:713:3 frame #13: 0x00007ffff7dcfcd3 libwayland-server.so.0`wl_closure_invoke(closure=0x00007ffff392c6c0, flags=2, target=0x00007ffff3f54b00, opcode=1, data=0x00007ffff38e4700) at connection.c:1228:2 frame #14: 0x00007ffff7dc7c7d libwayland-server.so.0`wl_client_connection_data(fd=29, mask=1, data=0x00007ffff38e4700) at wayland-server.c:444:4 frame #15: 0x00007ffff7dcbbc7 libwayland-server.so.0`wl_event_source_fd_dispatch(source=0x00007ffff381ed00, ep=0x00007fffffffd780) at event-loop.c:113:9 frame #16: 0x00007ffff7dcd1f2 libwayland-server.so.0`wl_event_loop_dispatch(loop=0x00007ffff38f0ca0, timeout=-1) at event-loop.c:1105:4 frame #17: 0x00007ffff7dc91c8 libwayland-server.so.0`wl_display_run(display=0x00007ffff38e0d00) at wayland-server.c:1530:7 frame #18: 0x00005555555b521e river`main.main at main.zig:139:25 frame #19: 0x00005555555b16b9 river`start.main [inlined] start.callMain at start.zig:656:37 frame #20: 0x00005555555b16b4 river`start.main [inlined] start.callMainWithArgs at start.zig:616:20 frame #21: 0x00005555555b1638 river`start.main(c_argc=3, c_argv=0x00007fffffffdfd8, c_envp=) at start.zig:631:28 (lldb) f 8 frame #8: 0x00007ffff7dc8e8f libwayland-server.so.0`wl_global_is_visible(client=0x00007ffff38e4700, global=0x00007ffff381af00) at wayland-server.c:988:3 985 struct wl_display *display = client->display; 986 987 return (display->global_filter == NULL || -> 988 display->global_filter(client, global, display->global_filter_data)); 989 } 990 991 static void (lldb) p *global (const wl_global) { display = 0x00007ffff38e0d00 interface = 0x00007ffff7dd4480 name = 38 version = 9 data = 0x00007ffff38a8680 bind = 0x00007ffff7d64b20 (libwlroots-0.18.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol3019) link = { prev = 0x00007ffff381a528 next = 0x00007ffff381a828 } removed = false } (lldb) f 7 frame #7: 0x00005555555bdeb2 river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper(_client=, _global=0x00007ffff381af00, _data=0x00005555556146a8) at wayland.zig:3599:42 (lldb) p *global ˄ ╰─ error: use of undeclared identifier 'global' (lldb) p global ˄ ╰─ error: use of undeclared identifier 'global' (lldb) p *_global (wayland.server::wayland.server.wl::wayland.server.wl.Global) {} (lldb) f 8 frame #8: 0x00007ffff7dc8e8f libwayland-server.so.0`wl_global_is_visible(client=0x00007ffff38e4700, global=0x00007ffff381af00) at wayland-server.c:988:3 985 struct wl_display *display = client->display; 986 987 return (display->global_filter == NULL || -> 988 display->global_filter(client, global, display->global_filter_data)); 989 } 990 991 static void (lldb) p *global (const wl_global) { display = 0x00007ffff38e0d00 interface = 0x00007ffff7dd4480 name = 38 version = 9 data = 0x00007ffff38a8680 bind = 0x00007ffff7d64b20 (libwlroots-0.18.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol3019) link = { prev = 0x00007ffff381a528 next = 0x00007ffff381a828 } removed = false } (lldb) p global->interface (const wl_interface *const) 0x00007ffff7dd4480 (lldb) p *global->interface (const wl_interface) { name = 0x00007ffff7dc2766 "wl_seat" version = 9 method_count = 4 methods = 0x00007ffff7dd43f0 event_count = 2 events = 0x00007ffff7dd4450 } (lldb) p *global->data ˄ ╰─ error: indirection not permitted on operand of type 'void *' (lldb) p global->data (void *const) 0x00007ffff38a8680 (lldb) p *global->bind (void (*)(wl_client *, void *, uint32_t, uint32_t)) 0x00007ffff7d64b20 (libwlroots-0.18.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol3019) (lldb) p *global->displa ˄ ╰─ error: no member named 'displa' in 'wl_global' (lldb) p *global->display (wl_display) { loop = 0x00007ffff38f0ca0 run = true next_global_name = 45 serial = 2 registry_resource_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff3f55620 next = 0x00007ffff3f54e20 } global_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff381c8a8 next = 0x00007ffff3818d68 } socket_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff389aa28 next = 0x00007ffff389aa28 } client_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff38e4720 next = 0x00007ffff38e8520 } protocol_loggers = { prev = 0x00007ffff38e0d58 next = 0x00007ffff38e0d58 } destroy_signal = { listener_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff3a72bb8 next = 0x00007ffff39110d0 } emit_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff38e0d78 next = 0x00007ffff38e0d78 } } create_client_signal = { listener_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff38e0d88 next = 0x00007ffff38e0d88 } emit_list = { prev = 0x00007ffff38e0d98 next = 0x00007ffff38e0d98 } } additional_shm_formats = (size = 0, alloc = 0, data = 0x0000000000000000) global_filter = 0x00005555555bdbb0 (river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper at wayland.zig:3598) global_filter_data = 0x00005555556146a8 terminate_efd = 4 term_source = 0x00007ffff38100c0 max_buffer_size = 4096 } (lldb) print wl.Seat.Interface ˄ ╰─ error: use of undeclared identifier 'wl' (lldb) f 7 frame #7: 0x00005555555bdeb2 river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper(_client=, _global=0x00007ffff381af00, _data=0x00005555556146a8) at wayland.zig:3599:42 (lldb) print wl.Seat.Interface ˄ ╰─ error: use of undeclared identifier 'wl' (lldb) print error: 'dwim-print' takes a variable or expression (lldb) print wl_seat_interface (const wl_interface) { name = 0x00007ffff7dc2766 "wl_seat" version = 9 method_count = 4 methods = 0x00007ffff7dd43f0 event_count = 2 events = 0x00007ffff7dd4450 } (lldb) f 8 frame #8: 0x00007ffff7dc8e8f libwayland-server.so.0`wl_global_is_visible(client=0x00007ffff38e4700, global=0x00007ffff381af00) at wayland-server.c:988:3 985 struct wl_display *display = client->display; 986 987 return (display->global_filter == NULL || -> 988 display->global_filter(client, global, display->global_filter_data)); 989 } 990 991 static void (lldb) p wl_seat_interface (const wl_interface) { name = 0x00007ffff7dc2766 "wl_seat" version = 9 method_count = 4 methods = 0x00007ffff7dd43f0 event_count = 2 events = 0x00007ffff7dd4450 } (lldb) p *global (const wl_global) { display = 0x00007ffff38e0d00 interface = 0x00007ffff7dd4480 name = 38 version = 9 data = 0x00007ffff38a8680 bind = 0x00007ffff7d64b20 (libwlroots-0.18.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol3019) link = { prev = 0x00007ffff381a528 next = 0x00007ffff381a828 } removed = false } (lldb) p global->interface (const wl_interface *const) 0x00007ffff7dd4480 (lldb) p *global->interface (const wl_interface) { name = 0x00007ffff7dc2766 "wl_seat" version = 9 method_count = 4 methods = 0x00007ffff7dd43f0 event_count = 2 events = 0x00007ffff7dd4450 } (lldb) p wl_seat_interface (const wl_interface) { name = 0x00007ffff7dc2766 "wl_seat" version = 9 method_count = 4 methods = 0x00007ffff7dd43f0 event_count = 2 events = 0x00007ffff7dd4450 } (lldb) f 7 frame #7: 0x00005555555bdeb2 river`wayland.server.wl.Server.setGlobalFilter__struct_31282._wrapper(_client=, _global=0x00007ffff381af00, _data=0x00005555556146a8) at wayland.zig:3599:42 (lldb) p *_global (wayland.server::wayland.server.wl::wayland.server.wl.Global) {} (lldb)