Hello again legal team, Further issues have been identified with the following packages: - pdbp[1] - https://pypi.org/project/pdbp/ - tabcompleter[2] - https://pypi.org/project/tabcompleter/ - sbVirtualDisplay https://pypi.org/project/sbvirtualdisplay/ The following discussion may identify more packages: https://circumstances.run/@mawhrin/112751716246069698 It seems clear at this point that 'mdmintz' presents a significant IP compliance challenge. I am requesting that you suspend their account and remove all of their packages pending review. Please let me know your decision(s) once one is made. Thanks again, Matt Jolly [1]: https://github.com/mdmintz/pdbp/issues/65 [2]: https://github.com/mdmintz/tabcompleter/issues/10 [3]: https://github.com/mdmintz/sbVirtualDisplay (fork of https://github.com/ponty/PyVirtualDisplay)